Public Safety
“Local Voters Deserve Details, Not Short Sentences or Vague Goals”
Public Safety:
Issue: Laguna Hills has a Higher Property and Violent Crime Rate than ALL our Surrounding Cities1

Neel’s Goal: Lower Laguna Hills’ Property and Violent Crime Rates to Match Rates of Surrounding Cities by:
- Establish a Community Facilities District in the Via Lomas and Apartment Complex Areas to help pay for costs of private 24/7 security in these areas of concern. Historically, crime has been elevated in the apartment complexes near Alicia Parkway and along Via Lomas Street in Laguna Hills.
- Increase Police Force Efficiency: Hire a parking attendant to solely address parking violations freeing up police resources to proactively police the city and respond to calls for service quicker.
- Reduce Graffiti Removal Costs: Require ivy, bougainvillea, or similar plantings, along privately or publicly maintained fences and walls with 15 feet of a public sidewalk. The cheapest way to address graffiti is by not allowing the graffiti to occur at all.
- Prohibit Subletting in Affordable Housing and Apartment Complexes in the City: This will reduce the likelihood gang members will want to rent in these areas of our community.
- Install License Plate Readers and Replace Neighborhood Watch Signs: Updated neighborhood watch signs and license plate readers will deter criminals and increase crime clearance rates.

- Charts compiled using publicly available data from the FBI with 2020 US Census Data: