Responsible & Honest Government

“Local Voters Deserve Details, Not Short Sentences or Vague Goals”

Responsible & Honest Government:

Current Issues: It’s unfortunate, but there are three areas of concern based on the actions of the existing City Council:

1. Lack of Fiduciary Duty to City Residents:
  • Failing to Submit Housing Element on Time: Delay in updating the state-mandated Housing Element has led to a proposed six-story high density apartment complex on La Paz and McIntyre Streets. Nearby residents wouldn’t need to lose sleep over this Builder’s Remedy project had our city council worked on the Housing Element update sooner like neighboring cities3. In fact, I had spoken up at a City Council Meeting warning our city council to start updating the Housing Element as I recognized other Orange County cities had already started. Essentially, we lost local zoning control because our city council didn’t do their homework on time.

  • Laguna Hills Districting Lawsuit: Cities and school districts across California have been receiving demand letters and subsequent lawsuits to move towards by-district elections versus at-large elections. Laguna Hills currently has at-large elections for city council seats. To date, no city in California has successfully won the ability to keep at-large elections and unfortunately these cities have lost millions of taxpayer funds losing these lawsuits. Recently, many South Orange County Cities, including Laguna Hills, received demand letters requesting a switch to by-district elections. Instead of following suit with all our neighboring cities, Laguna Hills has chosen to ignore the demand letter and has now opened itself to possibly millions of dollars in liability. Judicial precedent suggests we will lose any potential districting lawsuit, why is our city council gambling taxpayer money this way?!1, 2

2. Lack of Integrity:
  • Conflicts of Interest & Campaign Finance: Laguna Hills City Councilmembers have received significant campaign contributions from organizations representing apartment complex developers and entities like Southern California Edison (SCE), CR&R, and Sempra. This includes one incumbent running for re-election who has collectively received over $3000 from CR&R, Sempra, SCE, California Apartment Association PAC, Building Industry Association of Southern California PAC, and the Apartment Association of Orange County PAC4. As a city council candidate, I promise I will not accept campaign contributions from any special interest group or influential individuals since this can lead to conflicts of interest.

  • Lack of Due Diligence: We’ve missed out on grant funding, such as the Recycled Rubberized Pavement Grant from the state, because our current city council neither did outside research and brought these concerns publicly to city council meetings nor when pressing the former City Manager about applying for these grants did the council verify that all applicable grants were indeed being applied for.

3. Lack of Fiscal Conservatism
  • Washington DC and Sacramento Lobbying Trips: My belief is every taxpayer dollar matters. Why are our locally elected officials getting lobbying trips to Sacramento and Washington DC reimbursed by local taxpayers? Furthermore, public statements from council members suggests that Laguna Hills-specific issues aren’t the sole focus of these lobbying trips.

  • Healthcare Benefits for the City Council: My promise if elected as City Council member will be to free up tens of thousands of taypayer dollars by refusing healthcare benefits as well as ending healthcare benefits for elected city council members. At a time when healthcare costs are rising for local residents, it’s not fair if locally elected officials benefit from taxpayer funded healthcare benefits for non-fulltime positions as councilmembers.

  1. City of Cypress Districting Lawsuit:

  2. City of Palmdale Districting Lawsuit:

  3. Neighboring cities such as Aliso Viejo and Mission Viejo received certification from Department of Housing and Development months before Laguna Hills had per Kennedy Commission Housing Element Tracker: Laguna Hills would have avoided receiving a Builders Remedy Project had it adopted a substantially compliant Housing Element when neighboring cities had:

  4. City of Laguna Hills Campaign Finance Disclosures (four disclosures cited here):,—Amendment,,

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